Online Calculators, Converters and Other Tools
Collection of useful tools, online calculators, converters and generators for different use cases
📅 Date Calculators
Add or Subtract From Date Calculator
The calculator helps you quickly check what date it will be after a given number of days, weeks, months or years before or after today or any given date. This will help, for example, to fill out a visa application
Age Calculator
Determine the number of full years by birth date, year or month for a person, dog, or favorite thing today or on any specific date
Time since date
Calculates how much time has passed since a date in years, months, days, hours, and minutes. You can specify the name of the event and copy a permanent link to the result for embedding on your website.
Korean Age
Korean age differs from the commonly accepted worldwide age reckoning. Determine how old are you in South Korea by date of birth and learn how to calculate Korean age correctly.
Animal of the Year by Chinese Zodiak
Find out which animal is the symbol of the year in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Discover the characteristics of the animal of the year and its compatibility with other zodiac signs.
What day is it today?
Shows the current date: year, month, and day of the week today in your time zone.
How many days until spring?
Waiting for spring! Precise time to the next calendar spring.
How many days until summer?
Waiting for summer! Countdown to the next summer.
How many days until autumn?
Waiting for autumn! Accurate time counter to the next autumn.
How many days until winter?
Waiting for winter! Counting the days to the first snow.
❶ Number Converters
Numbers to Roman Numerals
Convert arabic numbers to roman numerals
Number in Binary System
Converts numbers from decimal system to binary
From Binary to Decimal System
Converts numbers from binary system to decimal
📏 Length Converters
Inches to Millimeters
Converts length from inches to millimeters
Inches to Centimeters
Converts length from inches to centimeters. For example, helps find the TV diagonal in cm.
Inches to Meters
Converts length from inches to meters
Inches to Feet
Converts length from inches to feet
Feet to Inches
Converts length from feet to inches
Feet to Meters
Converts length from feet to meters
Feet to Centimeters
Converts length from feet to centimeters
Feet to Millimeters
Converts length from feet to millimeters
🌡 Temperature converters
Fahrenheit to Celsius, °F > °C
Converts temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Celsius to Fahrenheit, °C > °F
Converts temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit
Kelvin to Celsius, K > °C
Converts temperature from Kelvin to degrees Celsius
Celsius to Kelvin, °C > K
Converts temperature from degrees Celsius to Kelvin
Kelvin to Fahrenheit, K > °F
Converts temperature from Kelvin to Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit Degrees to Kelvin, °F > K
Converts temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin
🛠 Tools
QR Code Generator. Creates QR in PNG or vector (SVG)
Creates QR code online for free in PNG, JPG, WEBP image formats or in vector (SVG).
What is my IP address?
Looks up the IP address that your browser sends to the web server.