Add or Subtract From Date Calculator
The calculator helps you quickly check what date it will be after a given number of days, weeks, months or years before or after today or any given date. This will help, for example, to fill out a visa application.
How to add or subtract time to date in Excel or Google Sheets?
Excel has a few useful functions for manipulating dates. You can use TODAY()
function as a base for calculations, which will take current date and time and save you from continuously updating current date. Replace TODAY() with a cell reference (for example: A1) to manipulate dates other than today's date. Here is a quick cheatsheet of Excel and Google Sheets formulas for adding or subtracting time to dates.
How to add or subtract days?
To add or subtract days, in your formula just add a number of days to a current date or a reference to a cell with specific date. Make sure that target cell format is set to "Date".
Add days | =TODAY() + days |
Subtract days | =TODAY() - days |
How to add or subtract weeks?
There is no specific function for adding or subtracting weeks in neither Excel or Google Sheets. But you can use same formula as for days with "x7" multiplier:
Add weeks | =TODAY() + (weeks * 7) |
Subtract weeks | =TODAY() - (weeks * 7) |
How to add or subtract months?
Use the EDATE() formula, which takes the start date as its first parameter and the number of months to add or subtract as its second. This formula elegantly handles the variations in the number of days across different months. For instance, adding one month to January 31st will yield February 28th or 29th, depending on whether it is a leap year or not.
Add months | =TODAY() + ( months * 7) |
Subtract months | =TODAY() - (weeks * 7) |
How to add or subtract years?
To add or subtract years to a date you can use two formulas: =DATE(YEAR(A2) + years, MONTH(A2), DAY(A2))
, suggested by Microsoft Excel documentation, or =EDATE(TODAY(), years * 12)
Both formulas effectively add or subtract years to a date, but they have different use cases and nuances related to handling end of month day in leap years. Consider the example:
Formula | Nuances | Example Date (A1) | Result: Example Date + 1 Year |
=EDATE(A1, 1 * 12) | If the resulting month has fewer days, returns the last day of the resulting month. | 29/02/2024 | 28/02/2025 |
=DATE(YEAR(A1) + 1, MONTH(A1), DAY(A1)) | When the day exceeds the number of days in the resulting month, Excel rolls over to the next month. | 29/02/2024 | 01/03/2025 |
The DATE function in Excel constructs a date value based on the year, month, and day parameters you provide. When the provided day exceeds the number of days in the resulting month, Excel rolls over to the next month. This mechanism is intended to avoid invalid dates and ensures that every date calculation results in a valid and logical date value.
EDATE formula seamlessly handles the end-of-month logic. If the resulting month has fewer days than the start date's day, EDATE returns the last day of the resulting month. Thus, when moving from a leap year to a non-leap year, adding a year to February 29 results in February 28 of the following year, as this is the last valid day of February in a non-leap year.
Download a free Microsoft Excel sample spreasheet with examples of adding time to dates, including edge cases described above.
About the dates calculator
The date calculator allows you to find out what date it will be after a certain period. It easily adds days, months, or years to the current date to determine what date it will be in the future or what it was in the past.
The date calculator is easy to use: select the amount and unit of time (days, weeks, months, years), then the direction of the count (before or after the current date), specify the date and press 'Calculate'. The default is today's date.
This calculator is suitable for filling out visa applications, planning events and meetings, as well as tracking important deadlines and dates, such as submitting reports, response times to claims, or work completion deadlines. Using the date calculator saves time and effort, providing accurate results for future dates.
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Last updated : July 26, 2024